Bathroom Safety Tips For People With Disabilities

Elderly Asian woman uses grab bars in accessible bathroom

January is National Bath Safety Month, so Amramp is reminding everyone of the importance of bathroom safety. This is especially important for people with disabilities.

The Importance of Handrails on Wheelchair Ramps

The Northern NJ Amramp team installed this accessibility ramp in front of a client's home.

Do you know the importance of handrails on wheelchair ramps? Handrails are crucial for people with disabilities, as they can help them feel safe and secure when using a ramp. Handrails also provide a barrier between the wheelchair and the edge of the ramp, preventing anyone from accidentally falling off the ramp. If you’re unsure … Read more

Don’t Limit Summer Fun: Make Your Gatherings and Events Accessible to All!

Disabled woman in wheelchair listens to music

Summer is everyone’s favorite time to soak up the warm weather after the cold slip away. Parties are being thrown; kids are outside playing; but for those with mobility challenges, there isn’t always a guarantee they’ll be able to enjoy it with everyone else.

Doorways indoor and out, stairs, uneven surfaces, and more pose accessibility challenges that those without mobility concerns should consider when hosting an event. Allowing your home or event space to be fully accessible to everyone at your gathering promotes inclusion among all guests so that no one feels left out from the fun.

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Your Best Choice for Making Life Accessible

At Amramp, our goal is to make your life more accessible. For more than 20 years, Amramp has provided both commercial and residential accessibility solutions that include our wheelchair ramps, stair lifts, vertical platform lifts, patient lift systems, and home accessibility modifications. Our ramp products are made in the USA with 100% recycled and recyclable … Read more

Accessibility Solutions for People with Disabilities

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in four adults in the United States – over 60 million Americans – have a disability that impacts activities in their lives. Mobility challenges are the most common disability type, affecting over 14% of adults. Disability becomes more common with age, affecting about 40% of … Read more

Experience Life Again Safely with Home Accessibility Solutions from Amramp

As cities and states have begun the process of easing recommendations to stay at home and lifting public restrictions related to social distancing, many people across the country are taking advantage of returning to some of their normal routines as safely as possible. For those living with mobility challenges, Amramp is here to help ensure … Read more

      Guide for choosing a wheelchair ramp from Amramp, an accessibility company
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