Amramp at the Harvard/Yale Game

Jay Bradley: I’m Jay Bradley. I’m the installation manager here with Amramp Boston Local.

We’re here at the Coliseum for Harvard on their big Harvard Yale game. So we’ve been out here for this particular event since 2016. We’re here to provide a safe seating arrangement for people that need to be able to access the field in a wheelchair. A lot of these structures are so old that none of these things were in place however long back it was.

And now we’re here to do all that in a modular format so that it’s fitted to the stadium. We’ll come in in a matter of a day or two days, depending on the size of the project. We work in anything rain, snow, wind, whatever you want to say. And then we’ll have it out as soon as they’re ready and it’ll be like it was never here.

We come in and out of, I mean, all sorts of events all over the state and the city. We try to ensure that we have people all set up to get in and be a part of all these events that people are all here taking advantage of.

We’re here to pretty much provide a better quality of life for people that have challenges getting around to these events. And we cover them, you know, no matter what it is, big or small.

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