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Amramp exhibits at the 2016 ILTCI Conference in San Antonio

The Intercompany Long Term Care Insurance Conference Association (ILTCI) will host its 16th annual conference for nearly a thousand business professionals at the Grand Hyatt Riverwalk in San Antonio, Texas, from March 13 – March 16, 2016. The conference will focus on “Transforming the Options and Refining the Risk” in long-term care. Participants from insurance companies, health care facilities, financial organizations, and regulatory communities will network in this interactive environment.


ILTCI conference highlights include


Educational opportunities will also be provided at the conference. A 2-day CLTC Master Class will be offered for attendees who are interested in pursuing their “Certified in Long-Term Care” (CLTC) designation. There will also be an Actuarial Professionalism Course to include the Code of Conduct, Standards of Practice, and other guiding principals of LTC.


For a complete listing of all conference sessions, speaking and exhibitor information, schedule and more, visit the ILTCI Conference website.


Amramp is delighted to exhibit at the ILTCI conference, where we’ll showcase our latest Aging-in-Place products and advances in accessibility. The event promises to bring movers and shakers in the industry together, and we hope to see you in San Antonio!




Long-term care insurance should offer peace of mind — period

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