Amramp Offering Free Remote Virtual Evaluations

To our Customers:

As part of our precautions to combat the spread of COVID-19, we are now offering free remote ‘Virtual Evaluations’, eliminating the need for someone to visit you in person for the evaluation.

When you need a wheelchair ramp, stairlift, grab bars and safety railings, or other Amramp accessibility products, our usual first step is to set up an on-site visit by your local Amramp accessibility expert to assess your needs, take measurements of your home and provide a free estimate.

Our Amramp products are essential services, however, we are concerned for your safety and that of our Amramp experts regarding on-site evaluations at this time, especially inside the home. So, we’ve developed a simple procedure to work with you remotely via your smartphone or tablet to get some basic measurements and photos of your property to help us make the evaluation and to eliminate that first in-person meeting for your safety.

The process is carried out using your smartphone or tablet and usually takes about 20 to 30 minutes, with your Amramp accessibility expert taking you through the process on the telephone in a clear, step-by-step manner. By the end, we should have a full understanding of your needs and the best product for you.

What you need for a Virtual Evaluation

  • Smartphone or tablet which can take and send photos
    • Some of our locations are also equipped to use FaceTime or other real-time video sharing programs. If you also have that ability, it would be very helpful for the evaluation. You can discuss that when setting up the appointment.
  • Measuring tape
  • Pen/pencil and paper
  • Email address

Your Amramp expert will call you on your phone and explain all the measurements and pictures needed and guide you through the process.

Once all the details are ready, we will email a quote for the work. There is no obligation to proceed, but if you choose to go ahead we can schedule a time for the installation, based on the urgency of your need for the product.

During installation, the Amramp expert who visits your home will observe strict hygiene and social distancing protocols throughout their installation.

Important: Some people may not feel comfortable taking part in a Virtual Survey or may not have access to a smartphone. We understand your concerns and we can still carry out a home survey in the conventional manner. In that case, the Amramp expert who visits your home will observe strict hygiene and social distancing protocols throughout their visit. For exterior projects, we won’t need to enter the home at all, and for interior projects, you won’t even need to be in the same room for most of the survey process.

Appointments and work that requires Amramp personnel to enter a home or come in close, physical contact with other individuals may be limited by local regulations and will be handled at the discretion of the local Amramp expert. This includes products that are installed inside the home. In these cases, we will be contacting you in advance to discuss precautions and evaluation options.

To set up your virtual or conventional evaluation, please call us at 888-715-7598 or email us at [email protected] to be connected to your local Amramp expert. Please let them know if you are interested in a virtual or in-person evaluation.

      Guide for choosing a wheelchair ramp from Amramp, an accessibility company
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