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Amramp Rescues Kansas Couple after Wheelchair Ramp Theft

Chad Ward of Amramp in Kansas City knows the wheelchair ramps he rents and sells are a huge help for people who use wheelchairs and Kansans with other mobility concerns.

But the wheelchair ramp’s significance was highlighted in dramatic fashion in early April when Chad was able to rescue a couple trapped in their Independence, Missouri, home after their wheelchair ramp was stolen. A rehabilitation facility that contracts with Chad called to ask his help when they learned that Judy and Darl Jackson, both of whom need help to get around, were trapped in their home with no wheelchair ramp to get them to the street. Judy was injured in a February car accident, and Darl uses a scooter.

Chad sprung to the rescue with Amramp’s modular steel wheelchair ramp, which is far more solid and safer than the one the Jacksons had previously.

“Their lifeline had been cut,” said Chad, whose three years’ experience with clients who use wheelchairs, canes, or walkers gave him quick insight into the Jacksons’ plight. With no wheelchair ramp, the Jacksons were at great risk in case of fire or other emergency.

Initially, Chad was asked to loan a wheelchair ramp but, as he said, the situation “snowballed” once word of the Jacksons’ situation spread. Watch the news reports on each of the major local newscasts:

FoxKC4 “Couple Left Stranded in Home by Thieves Gets Help From the Community”

Kansas City’s ABC affiliate “Theft Victims Get Replacement Ramp”

Neighbors and strangers came forward with donations; in the end the Amramp wheelchair ramp was installed permanently at their Independence, Kansas, home.

“They got a big upgrade,” Chad explained, since their new wheelchair ramp is made of steel and weighs 600 pounds. It won’t be stolen anytime soon, like the lightweight aluminum wheelchair ramp was. The new wheelchair ramp also has railings, which are standard on Amramp’s modular wheelchair ramp systems and which the smaller wheelchair ramp did not have.

Amramp, offers a fast, easy and safe wheelchair ramp solution to improve people’s lives.  Amramp is a national organization with local, factory-trained professionals and with local inventory throughout the country. To learn more about Amramp’s modular steel wheelchair ramp system, please fill out the form to the left or call us toll-free at 888-715-7598

      Guide for choosing a wheelchair ramp from Amramp, an accessibility company
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