Don’t Limit Summer Fun: Make Your Gatherings and Events Accessible to All!

Disabled woman in wheelchair listens to music

Summer is everyone’s favorite time to soak up the warm weather after the cold slip away. Parties are being thrown; kids are outside playing; but for those with mobility challenges, there isn’t always a guarantee they’ll be able to enjoy it with everyone else.

Doorways indoor and out, stairs, uneven surfaces, and more pose accessibility challenges that those without mobility concerns should consider when hosting an event. Allowing your home or event space to be fully accessible to everyone at your gathering promotes inclusion among all guests so that no one feels left out from the fun.

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Make Access to Your Home as Safe as Possible This Winter

Modular Wheelchair ramps for rent or to purchase

The winter season will be here soon for many North Americans, bringing with it shorter daylight hours, frigid temperatures, and snowstorms. In addition to winter’s upsides that include the holiday season, fireside gatherings with family and friends, and activities like skiing and skating, each year’s coldest months also create unsafe icy conditions on the walkways … Read more

Prevent Older Adults from Having Slip and Fall Accidents

According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), every second of every day an adult aged 65 and older suffers a fall in the United States. According to the CDC, about 36 million older adults fall each year, resulting in more than 32,000 fatalities. One of the most effective ways to prevent … Read more

Helping to Make Playgrounds Accessible for All Children

The regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) stipulate that the equipment on public playgrounds must be accessible to children with mobility challenges. According to the ADA’s Standards for Accessible Design, municipalities are required to design and build playgrounds that are readily accessible and usable by individuals with disabilities. A wheelchair ramp system from … Read more

Join AMRAMP in Celebrating The Anniversary of The Americans with Disabilities Act

In July 1990, the civil rights of people with disabilities were forever changed with the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). Thirty-one years ago this month, the United States enacted laws that prohibit discrimination against Americans who are living with disabilities, including those with mobility challenges. And, since 1990, Disability Awareness Dayhas been … Read more

Amramp Congratulates RAMPSRVA on their 500th Ramp Installation in Richmond, VA

On May 27, 2021, RampsRVA installed their 500th wheelchair ramp for a gentleman in the Richmond area who was impacted by COVID-19. This ramp recipient lost use of his legs and suffers from other major health issues after battling Covid. Despite no underlying conditions, he was hospitalized for weeks and almost lost his battle with … Read more

      Guide for choosing a wheelchair ramp from Amramp, an accessibility company
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