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Evaluate the Well-Being of Loved Ones at the Holidays

Take Inventory of Your Loved One’s Well-Being During the Holidays

The holiday season is a perfect time to make sure your elderly loved ones are enjoying their lives as happily and as safely as possible. If you notice any warning signs, take action to make some changes for the better, because there’s no greater gift than ensuring the health and safety of your family and friends. LifeCare Advocates, an organization that assists families with elder care issues, created the guidelines below that will help you to determine if your loved one is in need of some extra help.

If mobility challenges exist, Amramp has a wide range
of accessibility products that will make your elderly
loved one’s home as safe and accessible as possible


A deterioration in someone’s physical health can increase the chance of falls, which in some cases can be catastrophic.


If you see recurring instances of forgetfulness, including repeating the same thing more than once, it may be a sign a more serious problem.

Dangerous habits

Leaving the stove on, not locking the front door, taking expired medications, or forgetting to turn off a car in a garage are all red flags that something may be wrong.


An untidy house, including stacks of mail and unpaid bills, could be a sign that your loved one needs help.


Loneliness can have a very negative impact on health.

Weight loss

An unintentional decline in weight may signal the onset of disease or a side effect of medications. It can lead to a decline in quality of life as well as increased mortality.

Lack of food

No food in the house could mean your loved one has lost interest in eating or needs assistance getting to the grocery store. If mobility challenges are one of the warning signs impacting your loved one, your local Amramp expert can evaluate any home to determine what changes are needed to make it as safe and accessible as possible. Whether a home needs an access ramp at one or more entrances, at thresholds for easy room-to-room access, a stairlift that connects to upper floors, or even safety rails and bars in the bathroom – let us show you all the ways that your loved one can live independently and safely at home. To learn more about our products and services, or to schedule a free estimate, please contact Amramp’s National Customer Service Center at 888-715-7598.

      Guide for choosing a wheelchair ramp from Amramp, an accessibility company
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