(888) 715-7598

Living at Home with Modular Wheelchair Ramps and Portable Showers

Tools and Techniques to Keep Your Home Accessible

Not so long ago the thought of facing a disability was terrifying, and not only because of the health concerns. There was the added threat of having to leave one’s home and possibly end up in a nursing facility.

That is no longer true. Whether the disability is temporary or permanent, it is now possible to adapt your home or apartment so you can remain living there.

Personal hygiene is one of the biggest issues for people who need to use a wheelchair. But minor changes can be made in the bathroom. Toilet seats can be raised, bars installed on walls and a hand-held shower is a convenient alternative to ordinary shower heads.

For those who use wheelchairs, there are now portable showers that can be set up right in the kitchen, connected to the water faucet. And portable commodes are available also.

In the kitchen, Lazy Susan shelves below counters can make it easier to reach plates and pans used on a daily basis. New styles of lighting, rather than relying on overhead fixtures, can help make preparing meals easier.

One of the first things to do when a cane, walker or wheelchair is needed is to secure rugs to the floor to avoid tripping or sliding.

Also, where raised thresholds exist, a lip can be placed over them to allow wheelchairs to glide easily.

The primary obstacle to remaining at home when a person needs to use a wheelchair is negotiating entry to the house. Installing a permanent wheelchair ramp is a costly and often impractical solution to the problem. Often it cannot be done because of home style, the configuration of a house lot or restrictive zoning codes.

Today, that barrier can be overcome with a portable wheelchair ramp that can be rented for temporary needs or purchased outright for longer term use

Amramp is a national organization with local, factory-trained professionals and with local inventory throughout the country. To learn more about Amramp’s modular steel wheelchair ramp system, call toll-free at 888-715-7598.

      Guide for choosing a wheelchair ramp from Amramp, an accessibility company
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