Historic Hollywood YWCA Now Accessible with Wheelchair Ramps from Amramp

The Amramp Los Angeles team installed two wheelchair ramps to provide accessibility to the YWCA Transitional Housing facility in Hollywood. This will help the homeless population as they transition from the streets to temporary housing. At the YWCA women will receive counseling and assistance to help them transition to permanent housing. Amramp installed commercial commercially … Read more

The Ultimate Holiday Wish-List for Elders’ Aging in Place

Did you know that of the 46.2 million elderly people in the United State, 89% wish to remain in their own homes? While it may be a challenge to implement, the key to helping your elders stay in their homes is preparation. Most of the aging population do not want to admit they need extra … Read more

Amramp to exhibit at National Workers’ Compensation and Disability Conference in Las Vegas

  With more than 35 breakout sessions and an inspiring opening keynote speaker, National Workers’ Compensation and Disability Conference provides real-world lessons and practical takeaways as well as opportunities for workers’ compensation and disability management professionals to exchange ideas, share best practices, and learn new ways of doing business. Amramp is eager to gather with … Read more

Holiday Cheer Without the Fear With Amramp’s Short-Term Rentals Accessibility Ramps

The holidays are a busy time of year — full of visiting relatives and friends, baking cookies and cakes, and the joy of giving. Celebration fills the air and snow and ice can cover the ground and stairs. While some of the population can slip and slide around while managing to get to their end … Read more

      Guide for choosing a wheelchair ramp from Amramp, an accessibility company
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