Amramp Pool Lift: Putting water therapies within reach

Make your swimming pool safe with a Pool Lift from Amramp and enjoy therapeutic benefits (and fun!)

In those “dog days of summer” when it gets stiflingly hot, one of the best places to cool off is in the water. Swimming is not only a refreshing source of fun and relaxation. Water therapies are also excellent forms of low-impact exercise, especially for wheelchair users and people who suffer from MS or fibromyalgia, and others for whom weight-bearing exercise is not advisable.

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Slow Medicine: Compassionate, family-centric approach takes hold

Today, Americans live in a culture that places a high premium on being “fast” – fast food, fast cars, fast service, speedy delivery, and instant gratification. As a result, we often feel great pressure to make decisions quickly. At the same time, we want them to be the “right” decisions, and we can feel frustrated or dismayed when things don’t turn out the way we’d hoped.

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      Guide for choosing a wheelchair ramp from Amramp, an accessibility company
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